With a visual treat on a super-sized screen and an aural feast of stereo surround music, the exhibition creates unique narrative paintings combining elements from over 700 Van Gogh’s classic works into three -dimensional space. As an unprecedented exhibition of digital moving images, it is a tribute to Van Gogh, aiming to recreate his classic art works. Meanwhile, visitors will freely feast their eyes on Van Gogh's art world.
The exhibition divides Van Gogh's life into four phases: Early Painting Style, Turning Point in Paris, Shift in Painting Style in Arles, and the Strong Visual Enhancement in late works.
一.梵高早期绘画风格 1880-1885 荷兰
Van Gogh's Early Painting Style 1880-1885 Netherlands
受荷兰画派的影响,梵高早期的绘画作品更关注现实, 以一种阴沉忧郁的手法刻画底层农民的生活。
Influenced by the traditional Dutch painting, Van Gogh's early paintings were more concerned with reality, portraying the lives of the underclass peasants in a sombre and melancholy manner.
(二)来到巴黎后的转折期 1886.2-1888.2 巴黎
The Turning Point In Paris 1886.2-1888.2 Paris
1886 年 2 月,梵高来到了巴黎 , 这是梵高艺术上的转折点。在这里他接触到了巴黎的印象画派艺术。色彩斑斓的油画艺术, 将他精神上的阴暗忧郁一扫而空。巴黎的学习生活使梵高的整个生命色彩变得丰富, 由此,梵高的画作变得明亮起来。
In February 1886, the arrival in Paris was a turning point for Van Gogh’s art. It is Paris where he was exposed to the impressionist art whose vivid colourful paintings cleared away Van Gogh’s inner darkness. There is no doubt that his entire life was enriched by his art learning experience in Paris. Since then, Van Gogh began to use bright and vivid colours to paint.
(三)阿尔勒时期绘画风格的转变 1888.2-1890.5 阿尔勒
The Shift of Painting Styles in the Arles period 1888.2-1890.5 Arles
After leaving Paris for Arles (a town in the south of France) , Van Gogh realized that artworks are supposed to be a sincere expression of the individual's emotions and spirit. During this time, he painted a great number of renowned and influential artworks in which he rediscovered his reverence and love for the vast expanse of nature.
(四)晚期作品风格 1890.5-1890.7 瓦兹河畔欧韦
Late work style 1890.5-1890.7 Auvers-sur-Oise
Van Gogh suffered frequent episodes of madness during the creation of his late artwork , this threw him into a sense of deep despair and anxiety. Therefore, most of the paintings of this period reflect the emotional loneliness and had a strong visual impact.
Using 3D light and shadow technology to recreate Van Gogh's masterpieces, the immersive exhibition is VR reproduction of Van Gogh's rich and powerful brushwork. Both virtual and physical space are vehicles for Van Gogh’s artworks which have been transformed into digital moving images full of the space.
It is also a perfect marriage between technology and art, with every single frame and every brushstroke revealing Van Gogh's impressive colour expression and contagious personal emotions. From an audio-visual perspective, this immersive exhibition presents Van Gogh's short but legendary life with masterpieces such as The Potato Eaters (1885), Sunflowers (1888), Night of the Stars and Moon (1889) Crow in the Rye (1890) and other masterpieces. Freely walking through exhibition, Anyone that comes to this exhibition will have their own emotional responses and immerse themselves in Van Gogh’s classic artwork.Van Gogh's life was short, but his artistic impact on the world is forever.
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